Global Participant Spotlight- Meet Jarmila!

Pictured underneath a lovely rainbow in Prague: (Left) PFP Instructor, Debbie Rosenberg and (Right) Global PFP Participant, Jarmila Zahordnaská

August 2022

The bonds forged between our PFP participants and instructors is one of the things that makes PFP so unique and such a special community to be a part of. Connection is a value that has shaped the growth of PFP from the very beginning and our most recent example of the deep connections fostered within this community was highlighted when instructor, Debbie Rosenberg, met up with global participant, Jarmila Zahordnaská in Prague!! 

Many of you will recognise Jarmila’s name as our instructors and participants often greet this lovely Czech Republic participant, with an enthusiastic “Ahoj!” each week. Today we are excited to share more of her story with you all.

Jarmila grew up in a small village on the border with Germany, in what she refers to as the most beautiful corner of the Czech Republic - Bohemian-Saxon Switzerland. Over the years, Jarmila has lived in both the Czech Republic and Slovakia, which is where she had her three children. Her homes have always been close to beautiful countryside which has allowed Jarmila to maintain a strong connection to nature; spending her summers hiking and winters cross country skiing with her family. She currently lives just south of Prague and spends a lot of time out in her garden where she grows flowers, fruit and vegetables. Her grandchildren often visit and love picking strawberries, currants and blackberries straight from the bushes of her garden!!

Jarmila was diagnosed with PD five years ago and since that time she has been highly motivated to keep her symptoms at bay through exercise. She discovered PFP soon after the pandemic began back in 2020 and was thrilled to have an opportunity to exercise every day with a beautiful community as all her in person rehabilitation sessions had been cancelled due to Covid. Jarmila found that PFP kept her motivated and inspired and feels as if PFP is “alive” as it supports communication and connection between people!! It's not just about exercise, but about the fact that someone knows that you are exercising with them on the other side of the world and that encourages her to stay committed to class until the very end!! Exercising with PFP has inspired Jarmila to also walk regularly and treat everyday activities such as cooking and cleaning as exercise and rehabilitation. She often hears the voices of our instructors as she goes about her day encouraging her to stand taller and take longer strides!! 

As we move into the second half of 2022, Jarmila has the goal of documenting significant memories from her life for her grandchildren. She also plans to continue to exercise regularly so that she can live as healthy a life as possible. Jarmila reflects that previously she led a rather hectic life and that living with Parkinson’s has forced her to slow down; to take time to go for walks every day with her husband; to stay connected to the people around her and of course to exercise daily with her PFP friends!! Jarmila, we are so glad that you found us and that you have become such a special part of our community. Please know that we are cheering you on across the seas always!!


PFP Participant Spotlight - Meet Lacy!


National Plan to End Parkinson’s