Introducing the AHHMAZING Angie!
As we approach the end of our first year of FUN-filled classes at our Georgetown location, we thought it was about time to share a bit about the woman who has brought this incredible class to life: PFP instructor Angie Cervi!! The passion, warmth, and enthusiasm Angie brings to class each week are an absolute inspiration, and we are so thankful to have Angie as part of our local team of instructors!!
Angie began her journey with Power for Parkinson's as a volunteer in 2021 at our Round Rock location, and it wasn't long before she was hooked on all things PFP!! About a year after joining our organization, she met lead instructor Lauren Lewis at a PFP event and began training with her. A few months later, Angie was subbing classes, and just a few months after that, she spearheaded the now hugely popular Georgetown class! Teaching this class quickly became the highlight of Angie's week, and her love for supporting people through exercise has only strengthened as she has watched her class community grow and the Georgetown participants become stronger and more motivated to exercise each week!!
Angie with her class amazing in Georgetown!
Fitness and health have long been a personal priority for Angie. She started dancing at a very young age and was active in cheerleading and drill team in high school. In college, she moved onto weight lifting as a way to reduce stress and just loved the results. However, it was after graduating from the University of Texas that the importance of exercise took on a whole new meaning for her when she was diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes. This diagnosis shifted her health journey into high gear and amplified the importance of caring for herself through fitness and maintaining a healthy lifestyle.
Living with this chronic disease has allowed Angie to relate closely to the PFP community and our participants. She recognises how hard it can be to show up to class when living with a disease that is so variable day to day and makes sure to emphasise to her class participants each week how much she appreciates their efforts.
Given how much Angie loves exercise, it makes sense that all of her hobbies are highly active ones. She has been a scuba diver for over 30 years and has logged over 150 dives around the world! Angie finds diving one of the few activities where her mind can truly rest and release. She has introduced her husband to this amazing sport, and he, in turn, has introduced her to golf, which she took up around five years ago and plays as often as she can. Angie also loves gardening, working in the yard, and DIY house projects.
Alongside her Wednesday PFP class at Georgetown, Angie has another favorite day of the week: Saturday!! Or "Doughnut Saturday," to be exact. Every week, Angie and her husband FaceTime with their four granddaughters in Tulsa, Oklahoma, and they all enjoy doughnuts and a chat together. She is also lucky enough to have her two sons, whom she loves spending time with, living nearby in Austin.
While travel often involves a beach and a scuba tank for Angie, her next big trip will be a little different!! Thanks to Covid, Angie and her husband never made it on their planned honeymoon in 2020. So, in October 2025, they are looking forward to heading off to Italy for a grand adventure. We can't wait to hear all about it, Angie!!
It is thanks to Angie's wonderful attitude and vibrant energy that our Georgetown class has gone from strength to strength over the past year and we couldn't be more grateful! Angie, thank you for sharing your light with us - we always look forward to seeing your bright smile and thank you for all that you have brought to the PFP community!