Power for Parkinson’s Blog

Check out our blog for stories from participants and caregivers, as well as the latest Parkinson’s research news!

Zoe Thompson Zoe Thompson

Seated Exercise: Our Ultimate Chair Workout Guide

Searching for a fun, effective workout that doesn’t require running laps or throwing your body to the ground? We have just the thing! Welcome to the Power for Parkinson’s® Ultimate Chair Workout Guide. In this guide, we will introduce you to a variety of fun, effective workouts that you can do from start to finish from the comfort of your chair.

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Help us engage people with Parkinson's in regular exercise to slow or even reverse the effects of Parkinson's disease, improve their overall sense of well-being, provide opportunities for socialization, and help prevent the isolation that often accompanies the disease. 100% of the proceeds go to support people with Parkinson’s.